Saturday, September 29, 2007

Are you scared to die?

I know my last post was on death and dying too...however this subject has been on my mind a lot in the last week or two.

Have you ever taken time to think of what death is all about? This subject has hit close to home with some of my patients this in particular that shook me quite a bit. Yes I have thought a lot about death...a few years ago I had thought about it so much that I decided to plan out some of my funeral and document it in my journal. I knew it was a reality...I worked with so many people who died. It is a part of life...however this week I have learned to see it in a more real and vivid way.

It was one of my patients that brought me to a greater realization of what death is about. As I saw the scared look in this patients eyes...even though this patient knew the Lord and was a believer...that scared look was still there. It is a look I will never forget. I thought about how life seems to be so unfair at times....why is it that the young die? Why is it the ones that have beautiful families...that have such a promising out look on life? Death is a horrible thing.

Yet there is also a beauty to those who die in the Lord. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life...he who believes in me though he were dead yet shall he live". There is hope...there is life after death...because Jesus paid the price.

It is the crossing over the Jordan that can be soo hard and painful...but there is so much joy when we walk through the gates of heaven. Thankfully we have our Lord Jesus who will walk beside us "through the valley of the shadow of death". It is Christ that will carry us Home. Thank you Father!


Melissa said...

Brings to mind the verse "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."

Although many times we cannot understand God's purpose in taking certain individuals, we can ultimately be comforted in that they are now with Jesus.

Death for an believer is a beautiful thing, as you said. We, in all our humanity, will sorrow and cry for our loss, but I can only imagine that those who die in the Lord are wondering why we aren't happier for them! The true tragedy is those who die without the Lord -- in that situation, death is definitely something to be feared.

Melissa said...

oh sorry, forgot to say I enjoyed this post!