Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I had to come up with something to I thought...and thought...and even thought. So many different things have been happening in my life that my brain is full of many random thoughts.
It has been busy at work lately. All this business has made me think a lot about death and dying. My heart goes out to the people who are scared to die...I wonder what I will be like when I get to that point in my journey? I know I have the hope and promise of eternal life and going Home to my Heavenly Father which shall be sooo joyful! Yet what is it like to actually die on this earth? What does it feel like physically? Is it the thoughts of what is left behind that can be so tormenting? Is it the thoughts of work left unfinished?
And yet thinking of all those questions ... continues to bring to mind the joy of what Heaven is all about! I would be with the Lord! Wow! You know I really can't wait for that day! I can just imagine how exciting it must have been for the apostle John in writing Revelation talking all about the New Jerusalem. I think of my Grandmother who has crossed the Jordan almost twelve years ago and is now with our Lord...she must be having such an AWESOME time in Heaven! To be with the Lord Jesus, singing with the angels...I cant think of anything more exciting then that! Talk about having something to look forward to!
So is death really that scary? Physically I have no idea...spiritually, I really can't wait!
It brings to mind a song I love to sing "Jerusalem the Golden"! If you have t ime read the will get you excited about the joy of going Home!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm sure Heaven must be amazing and I know I'll be so glad when I get there. It's just the getting there that scares me (a little). I definitely know where I'll be going when I's just the unknown one can really tell you what it feels like to die. I imagine that I will be sorry I didn't tell more people about Jesus -- as you say, the thoughts of work unfinished. All we can do is make sure our life counts, rather than worry about dying.