Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nurses in Ontario

No I am not a plitician nor am I wanting to be one. However there is one concern/issue that is near and dear to my heart. Nurses in Ontario.
You see we had a course in University on Nursing and the Canadian Government. In this class we discussed issues of our health care system and how it relates to nursing.
Well here is an issue I wanted to bring up....
Ontario is working with a real nursing shortage...or are they actually working with it? Is it easier for nurses to get education and work in Ontario then it is in other provinces or countries? Does Ontario accept nurses from other countries including the states with open arms or do they make it really difficult for them to get their license here? Does the province fund hospitals with ongoing funding to recruit and keep nurses...or is it just a temporary "fix", "bandaid" to the problem in Ontario?
I would love to hear your answers to these questions....and I will give you some of mine in the near future! Till then.....


My name is Tim... said...

Ontario is working with a real nursing shortage...or are they actually working with it?

It seems to me that it is a lot of talk and not much action. I know on my ward we work short tons!

Is it easier for nurses to get education and work in Ontario then it is in other provinces or countries?

I think the shortage is pretty much North America wide (I'm not too sure about the rest of the world). It is pretty easy to get work wherever you want.

Does Ontario accept nurses from other countries including the states with open arms or do they make it really difficult for them to get their license here?

They accept nurses from other countries that have a reliable nursing programs (I think they need to write an equivalence exam). However, when hospitals in the States and even some other provinces offer huge bonuses, many nurses decided to go there instead.

Does the province fund hospitals with ongoing funding to recruit and keep nurses...or is it just a temporary "fix", "bandaid" to the problem in Ontario?

A lot of it seems to be a bandaid fix. The new grad initiative (6 month preceptorship) seems to be a good idea - but we will see how well it works in keeping those nurses in Ontario.

What would I do differently? Other than maybe not having made a degree a requirement, I really don't know...

C.F.B said...

I have to say that Ontario does not openly or easily accept nurses from other countries...the process is long and difficult.
As for the governments intiative...I will comment on that later.

Anonymous said...

I am not currently working and have been on a quest to find the funds to go back to school for nursing. Being in southern Ontario, I am well aware of the current and aggressive nursing shortage in Ontario. I have applied for (and been denied) every assistance program out there. So, here you have someone, eager and ambitious to study and work in nursing in Ontario, and the government will not help whatsoever....

C.F.B said...

Somehow Ontario just does not get the point...I wonder what will open the eyes of Ontario to see what is really happening out there!