Wow I cant believe that it is already the middle of August! I have been blessed with an awesome summer! Beth and I were able to housesit for a member of our church for the month of July. This was plenty of fun...however I think both of us were so thankful to be able to go back home after! The last two weekends I drove up to Charleston Lake by Kingston to camp with the family. We had so much fun introducing Daniel to what camping is...boy does he ever love being outdoors!
I also finished my second Coronary Care Course. It was a very difficult course but I hope to be able to use it in Newmarket in September when I start working in the Emergency Department there.
This summer Beth and I have been able to spend some quality sister time together which has been such a blessing for both of us! The picture of us above was taken at the African Lion Safari on July 1, 2008.
Last week I was able to spend two days with Opa and Oma. Oma and I had plenty of fun doing crossword puzzles etc. We went to Holland Christian Homes on one of the days which was difficult as I still really miss Tante Tena.
That is about all that is new this summer. The Lord has been working in my life with the idea of getting involved with New Tribes Missions next year to be involved with short term missions trip. I am still praying with this idea and seeing where the Lord wants me in my life. Right now the Lord has been showing me that my mission field is where He has placed me well as the ability to continue to learn so that the Lord can prepare me for what He has in store for me!
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