Yes it is the weekend before Christmas! I wanted to explain the real true meaning of Christmas. It all started many years ago...when the angel of the Lord appeared to Mary and told her she was going to be with child, "behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel...which being interpretedis God with us". She was going to carry a very special child. This child would be the Saviour of the world! That wonderful night a special child, a King, a Priest, a Saviour was born into the World, "and they called His name Jesus". This child grew and taught many people in the temples. He spoke against rules of the Scribes and Pharisees, He brought joy to little children, He brought healing to the sick, He comforted those who mourned...and the list could go on and on. And yet we all rejected Him, we all spat in His face...and yes sadly enough that list could go on too. But this wonderful King loved us in spite of all we did and died for us. This Saviour of the World sufferend Hell so that we might have life eternal! He suffered the rejection of God so that we could talk to Him face to face. Christmas is about the wonderful gift our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us! How can we thank Him for showing us unconditional love? How can we thank Him for giving us this awesome gift!
This Christmas the Lord took Tante Tena home so that she could be Home for Christmas! Grandma Bronsveld is also Home for Christmas! And if you accept the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas...one day you also will be Home for Christmas!
May the Lord richly bless you all this Christmas and may you truely find the real JOY of Christmas this year!
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