We were talking about cardiac markers today. After having bloodwork done today to check CRP, I was reminded about cardiac markers. Melissa was sure that CRP could indicate heart damage...for example it could identify a possible myocardial infarction. But we came to the conclusion that CRP was not the most accurate or well used blood test for identifying a myocardial infarction. CK-MB and myoglobin are the earliest cardiac markers and can be used to detect ischemic damage within an hour...however Troponin is the most widely used as well as the most accurate.
CRP though, is mainly used to indicate the level of inflammation in the body. Usually it only indicates acute inflammation. This is the reason I had that test done.
So speak the greatest medical minds of the twenty first century! Any questions...please leave comments! ;)
Ummmm....I believe it's CPR, not CRP.
No it was not a spelling error...it is actually CRP.
CPR is another topic for another day....
CRP is not a life saving measure by any far stretch of the imagination...
Well, that's my comment. I'm about as qualified to talk about CRP as I am to talk about....CPR, or cross-stitching, Gilmour Girls, sports, or fishing techniques.
I have no questions, only kudos and praise for those two young minds who are so up on most everything in the field of medicine. :) They must be amazing young women!
Well in response to the responses we got in this blog...I would have to say that some people need more training in CPR as well as in CRP.
And yes I would certainly agree that those two young minds are very much on top of things in the medical field...however getting back to the books is never a bad thing!
let's hear some more on medical subjects!!!
As for me, my CPR is up-to-date, courtesy of St. John. :)
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