Friday, October 26, 2007

God Tests Our Responses

As I sat here thinking about what I should write about...and how my week had gone...a thought crossed my mind. You know the Lord brings many people into our lives to test our reaction to things they say or well as to strengthen our charcter in many different ways.
I had a conversation with someone this week where I felt unjustly accused. I have thought the conversation many times over wondering what I could have done differently. But the thought crossed my mind that the Lord was using this conversation in many different ways.It made me think of a client I had this week that really more then once rubbed me the wrong way. It also made me think of other clients that I have encountered that just seemed to be soo grumpy no matter what you did for them. All these people the Lord has placed at different times to see how I would react as a Christian...I am sorry to say that in a lot of areas I have failed. I have to work harder at being more of a meek and quiet spirit.
Knowing that it made me realize how the Lord blesses a calm and gently spirit as my client this weeked really thanked me for everything I had is the smile in the clients eyes of appreciation for taking the time to do my best for them.
Lord I pray that I may have more of a meek and quiet spirit...showing more of You in my life!


Melissa said...

Well, I definitely know what you're talking about with the feeling wrongly accused -- it certainly does not make you feel good, and it makes you want to lash out in anger!!! Maybe God was testing how I would react as well. I know your patients definitely appreciate you, who wouldn't love you? :)

And remember, you always have a sister that you can vent to about conversations gone wrong. :-D

C.F.B said...

Thank you for your encouragment!