Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The time is soon approaching....

You know when I went to University for Nursing I never dreamed that I would be in Ottawa...or that after a year of working here I would be moving back to work in my own community hospital. I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to be able to serve so many different people. Sometimes I sit back and am awed at how the Lord has worked in my life in a way I never had dreamed of.
Soon I will be returning to Orangeville, Ontario which is my home town. I will be working at Headwaters Health Care back to my community! Working here in Ottawa has been an awesome experience for me in many ways. I have learned so much in working at the Ottawa Hospital...the staff on 7West at the General Campus have been just awesome! Thanks guys! As well I have had the pleasure of working for two months at Hunt Club Manor which has also been a wonderful opportunity.
Attending church at the Alta Vista Baptist Church as well as at the Met has been a good experience as well. Thank you to all of you who made me feel welcomed!
As much as being in Ottawa for almost a year has been the hardest year of my life away from family and friends...I want to thank my family and friends back home who prayed...and prayed hard that the Lord would help me through it! Your prayers have been answered. I have a wonderful community back home and I look forward to going back to give back what so many people have given to me!
I will keep you posted as to the details in a later post! Goodnight for now!

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Sovereingty of God!

I have been doing a small Bible Study with my younger sister and we have chosen to go through the book of Matthew together. It has been a real eye opener for me as we have studied the first two chapters. The second chapter in the book of Matthew talks about the evil the Herod did when Jesus was born. I read that chapter two or three times wondering how I was going to explain the jewels found in this chapter. Then tonight the thought hit me....the jewels in this chapter explain the sovereingty of God in such a beautiful way. While everything seemed chaos after the birth of Jesus with Herod killing all the baby's two years old and younger...there was a miracle happening. The Lord was showing us how He was still in full control. He knew EVERYTHING that was happening. The Lord provided a way for Mary and Joseph in escaping from the evil hands of Herod.
What an example for us today. Even though the world seems full of chaos and at times it seems that our lives are such a mess...the Lord, our Saviour, our King, and our Father is in full control. He is there helping us find a way to trust Him and move forward in His plan for our lives. The Lord is there guiding our every step as He guided Mary and Joseph to Egypt, as He guided Moses and the children of Israel, and as He guided Paul and Silas.
What a chapter full of the jewels of the sovereingty of God! Take time to read through chapters praying that the Lord will show you the Jewels of His Word! Thank you Lord!